Antonio Mancini

Antonio Mancini canvas prints & artprints

Antonio Mancini : biography

Antonio Mancini, is a italian painter born in 1852 in Albano Laziale, Italy and who died in 1930 in Rome, Italy. Antonio Mancini belonged to the macchiaioli art style. He mainly worked during the modern period in the 20 century.

Antonio Mancini : his main artworks

Antonio Mancini is famous for the following art works : l'homme au perroquet, l'homme au perroquet, pauvre écolier... which are numerous illustrations of his favorite subject of work : portrait... In order to stare at his work in a museum or gallery, you need to go to musée d'orsay, paris, france, . The art work of Antonio Mancini are, indeed, mainly kept in musée d'orsay, paris, france, . Muzéo offers high quality canvas prints & artprints of the main artworks made by Antonio Mancini to embellish your home or your office.

Antonio Mancini : his life as an artist

Antonio Mancini began his artist training in Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, Naples, Italy. He influenced the work of some other artists such as Vicenzo Irolli.

Learn more about the life and the works of Antonio Mancini here.
36.49 €
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30.8 €
52.23 €
43.52 €