Style : Entertainment

Entertainment artprints & posters

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Show & entertainment : artprints & posters

The show poster has always been, first and foremost, a means of advertising shows of all kinds (fairs, lotteries, theatre, etc.) but also for more serious subjects such as political gatherings. It is above all there to attract the spectator to come and see the show presented. The show poster has evolved over time, changing with artistic trends, to remain faithful to the expectations of the audience.

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Poster, Style Entertainment

Artworks Posters 
Styles Entertainment  Art Nouveau (11)  Decorative (6) 
Epochs Modern (737)  Classical (42)  Contemporary (1) 
Artists Anonymous (401)  Jules Chéret (74)  Alfred Choubrac (19)  Jules Grün (11)  Dudley Hardy (10)  Henri De Toulouse... (9)  Maurice Lourdey (8)  Alfons Mucha (8)  Théophile Alexand... (7)  Henri Gray (7)  Buval E. (6)  Raymond Tournon (6)  Charles Levy (6)  French School (6)  Michele A. (5)  Jonchère J. (5)  Paul Berthon (5)  Louis Galice (5)  Cândido De Faria (5)  Lucien Métivet (4)  Leonetto Cappiello (4)  Léon Sault (4)  Eugène Grasset (4)  Edward Ancourt (4)  Louis Geisler (3)  Adolphe Léon Will... (3)  Barbizet A. (3)  Esch J. (3)  Adrien Barrère (3)  Henri-gabriel Ibels (3)  Pierre-henri Garn... (3)  Charles Gesmar (2)  Roedel (2)  Léopold Stevens (2)  Eugène Le Mouël (2)  Ivo Puhonny (2)  Henri Meyer (2)  Emile Levy (2)  Manuel Orazi (2)  Emile Tabouret (2)  Maurice Neumont (2)  E. C. (affichiste) (2)  Edwin Forbes (2)  American School (2)  Pal (2)  Gustave Fraipont (1)  Carlovali (1)  Grandville (1)  Cham (1)  Hugo D'alesi (1)  Lucien Baylac (1)  Marie G. (1)  Emile Bertrand (1)  Berge L. (1)  Misti (1)  Auguste François-... (1)  Jean-alexis Rouchon (1)  Eugène Gauche (1)  Henry Ryland (1)  Gustave Donjean (1)  Emile Bayard (1)  Auguste Belin (1)  Weber Th. (1)  Tavio (1)  Larocque (1)  B. (1)  Bonnard A. (1)  Georges Clairin (1)  Henri-edmond Rudaux (1)  Henry Bataille (1)  Georges Houdin (1)  Bossert G. (1)  Paul Maurou (1)  Emile Reutlinger (1)  Mathews P.-j. (1)  Georges Méliès (1)  Ritchie Alick P. F. (1)  Spitzer (1)  Noël Dorville (1)  Imprimerie Atelie... (1)  Georges Antoine R... (1)  Antonin Marie Cha... (1)  Hoster (1)  Edel A. (1)  Lucien Lefèvre (1)  Albert Müller (1)  Spes (1)  Adolfo Hohenstein (1)  Lioubov Popova (1)  Félix Vallotton (1)  Auguste Bry (1)  Daniel De Losques (1)  Henry Gerbault (1)  David Ossipovitch... (1)  Eugène Ogé (1)  Edgar Wilson (1)  François Flameng (1)  Paul Hadol (1)  Louis Boulanger (1)  Paul Albert Laurens (1) 
Subjects Hobby (609)  Literature (351)  Music (221)  Dance (100)  Animals (43)  Sport (36)  Architecture (20)  World Culture (17)  Feminine Beauty (10)  Portrait (10)  History (9)  Cinema (7)  Fashion (6)  Humor & Bizarre (5)  Genre Scenes (5)  Flowers & Botany (5)  Fantasy (4)  Celebrity (4)  Travel (4)  Transport (4)  Religion (3)  Nude (2)  Food (1)  Urban (1)  Science & Technology (1) 
Techniques Lithograph (71)  Engraving (6)  Impression (6)  Pencil (3)  Gouache (2)  Photograph (1) 
Shapes Portrait (688)  Landscape (68)  Slim (24) 
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