Shop art print and framed art La femme au chapeau by Ruslan Bolgov (Axe)
Subjects : Portrait
Keywords : beauty, black and white, contemporary visual photography, fashion photography, necklace, pearl, photography, portrait, woman
(Ref : 193708) © Ruslan Bolgov (Axe) / 1X
Your art print
La femme au chapeau OF Ruslan Bolgov (Axe)

The artwork
La femme au chapeau
The villa that belonged to the Tornabuoni (it) family between 1469 and 1541, located near Florence at the time (today via Chiasso Macerelli, in the Careggi district) was, according to the most likely hypothesis, painted (in fresco) around 1486 by Sandro Botticelli for the wedding of their son, Lorenzo Tornabuoni, to Giovanna di Maso degli Albizzi, which took place on 15 June 1486. The two surviving frescoes from the ensemble now form part of the collections of the Musée du Louvre.
Only two of the three frescoes were saved:
In 1863, the frescoes, whitewashed, were brought back to life following work commissioned by the Lemmi family, heirs to the estate.
They had been seriously damaged by an antique dealer who wanted to sell them without revealing their author.
Purchased in 1882, the frescoes are now housed in the Percier and Fontaine room of the Musée du Louvre in Paris.
The villa became the property of INAIL (it) in 1952, which restored it and made it the headquarters of the CTO, the International Art University and, today, its training centre.
Another fresco by Domenico Ghirlandaio in the villa's chapel has been lost.
The first scene takes place in a kind of garden, as suggested by the fountain on the left. The Three Graces accompany Venus, who is offering flowers to a young woman. The scene, rooted in issues linked to Medici neo-Platonism (a meeting in nature, in a sort of pagan rite, between people and mythological beings from rediscovered Greco-Roman antiquity, a [...]
This artwork is a photography from the contemporary period. It belongs to the photographic portrait style.
Find the full description of La femme au chapeau by Ruslan Bolgov (Axe) on Wikipedia.
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