Shop art print and framed art The Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio
Subjects : Food, History, Religion
Keywords : Apostle, Baroque, Bible, Christ, Innkeeper, Italian, Italy, Painting, blessing, chiaroscuro, disciple, disguise, food, man, meal, Passion, pilgrimage, poverty, religion, resurrection, saint, servant, shadow, surprise, table, woman
(Ref : 140874) © Pinacothèque de Brera, Milan, Italie / Bridgeman Images
The Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio(Ref : 140874) © Pinacothèque de Brera, Milan, Italie / Bridgeman Images
Your art print
The Supper at Emmaus OF Caravaggio

The artwork
The Supper at Emmaus
The Supper at Emmaus or The Last Supper at Emmaus is a painting by Caravaggio, painted around 1601 and now in the National Gallery in London. There is a second version of this painting dating from 1606 and kept at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan.";It was commissioned by Ciriaco Mattei, and depicts the moment when the Emmaus pilgrims suddenly realise that they are looking at the risen Christ."
This painting was originally commissioned by Ciriaco Mattei, who paid 150 écus to acquire it from Caravaggio. The painting may well have been executed before 1601, the year in which Caravaggio stayed at the Palazzo Mattei. As no subsequent inventory from Mattei mentions it, it is possible that the painting was quickly bought by Cardinal Scipione Borghese, whom Bellori even mistakenly refers to as the commissioner.
Caravaggio's treatment of this scene from the New Testament (mentioned briefly by St Mark, but in much greater detail by St Luke) is literal: Jesus, having risen from the dead after his crucifixion, is said to appear to two of his disciples, but with different features from those he had had until then (he is depicted here as young and beardless). After conversing with them on the road to Emmaus, the three of them stop for a bite to eat in the evening: this is the moment of revelation depicted in the painting".
- Gospel according to Saint Luke: 24, 13 (translation by L. Segond);
The scene follows the Venetian tradition of the central composition inherited from Titian [...]
This artwork is a painting from the classical period. It belongs to the baroque style.
« The Supper at Emmaus » is kept at Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy.
Find the full description of The Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio on Wikipedia.
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