Shop art print and framed art Madonna Benois by Leonardo da Vinci
Subjects : Religion
Keywords : Christ, Virgin, Virgin and Child, baby, flower, halo, religion
(Ref : 364236) © Bridgeman Images
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Madonna Benois OF Leonardo da Vinci

The artwork
Madonna Benois
The Madonna Benois ("Madonna Benois" or "Madonna col Bambino") could be one of the two Madonnas begun by Leonardo da Vinci, as he himself put it, in October 1478. The other could be The Madonna with the Carnation, kept at the Alte Pinakothek in Munich.
The period from 1507 to 1513 was known as the "Milan period", Leonardo da Vinci's second stay in the Italian city. He was then in the service of the French, in particular Charles II d'Amboise, appointed governor of Milan by Louis XII. It was he who brought Leonardo back to Milan in 1507, as he held him in great esteem. The first painting by Leonardo da Vinci (between 1478 and 1482), The Madonna Benois (now in the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg), belonged to Charles II d'Amboise. This recently discovered painting still bears the coat of arms of Charles d'Amboise on its original frame.
Ref: "La Marche de l'HISTOIRE" issue 17 (19 April-19 July 2016)
"Leonardo da Vinci and France" page 62 by Maxime Le Nagard and Thomas Arrighi graduate journalists.
It is likely that the Madonna Benois was Leonardo's first work as a painter independent of his master Andrea del Verrocchio. There are two preparatory studies of the painting in the British Museum (London).
For centuries, the painting was considered lost. It was only in 1909 that the architect Léon Benois sensationalised its exhibition in St Petersburg, along with part of his father-in-law's collection.
Around 1790, the Madonna Benois came into the possession of General Alexander [...]
This artwork is a painting from the renaissance period. It belongs to the italian renaissance style.
Find the full description of Madonna Benois by Leonardo da Vinci on Wikipedia.
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