Philipp Otto Runge

Philipp Otto Runge canvas prints & artprints

Philipp Otto Runge : biography

Philipp Otto Runge, known as well with the following name Phillip Otto Runge, is a german painter born in 1777 in Wolgast, Germany and who died in 1810 in Hamburg, Germany. Philipp Otto Runge belonged to the romanticism art style. He mainly worked during the classical period.

Philipp Otto Runge : his main artworks

Philipp Otto Runge is famous for the following art works : morning... which are numerous illustrations of his favorite subject of work : mythology, religion... Muzéo offers high quality canvas prints & artprints of the main artworks made by Philipp Otto Runge to embellish your home or your office.

Philipp Otto Runge : his life as an artist

Philipp Otto Runge began his artist training in Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Denmark. Then Philipp Otto Runge continue his training and study with Jens Juel. He became friend or had a working relationship with Caspar David Friedrich.

Learn more about the life and the works of Philipp Otto Runge here.
40.07 €
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