Lyrical abstraction paintings

Lyrical abstraction paintings

Lyrical abstract art advocates absolute plastic freedom to better express pure emotions.

Kandinsky was the founding father of lyrical abstraction in the 1920s. By trusting one’s instinct and expressing oneself freely, mix colors without any figurative or geometric reference. In all cases, colour is of great importance in the construction of this new pictorial grammar that is lyrical abstract painting which is constructed as opposed to geometric abstraction. Indeed, since abstract painting no longer has the ambition to represent nature, it tries in priority to transmit sensations. Many abstract painters, such as Vassily Kandinsky or Vasarely, have questioned the emotional power of colour. By representing nothing, abstract painting ends up representing the invisible, the unspeakable. Pioneers such as Kandinsky, MondrianMalevich reject the materialism of their time and think that they can express dibvin in their canvases and seek to give a spiritual dimension in their works. Many artists will try to go through this process by seeking to get rid, in addition to dujet, of any expressive feeling or gesture, to the point of prefiguring minimal art.

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